Nelson Historical Society Membership

Join Us

If you are interested in the history of the Top of the South Island and would like to know more about the people and events that shaped Nelson and Tasman (and in some cases, Marlborough), you will benefit from joining the society.

Membership of the Nelson Historical Society is inexpensive and runs from 1 May to 30 April each year.

Junior (college student)$10

Membership includes:

  • A professionally produced annual journal of researched historical articles related to the Top of the South Island
  • Four newsletters a year
  • A calendar of interesting speakers on a variety of historical topics
  • At least one annual field trip
  • Networks with other regional history, heritage and genealogical organisations and museums
  • Opportunity for advocacy and support for local heritage issues and projects

Membership Application (Online)

The easiest way to become a member with us is to fill in the details in our online form below. If you are more comfortable working offline, there is also a PDF version below that you can print out and post to us directly.

Payment Method

Online Payment

Banking Details: Westpac Bank - Account number
03 0703 0463554 00
Make sure you put your name in the reference field.

The information in this form will be forwarded to Please email us directly if you encounter any issues.

Send Application

Membership Application (Offline)

Please print or download our PDF membership form and get it back to us via email or post to Nelson Historical Society, PO Box 461, Nelson.

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