Nelson Historical Society About

Who We Are

Nelson Historical Society divider

Nelson Historical Society aims to:

  • Gather and record the history of New Zealand's Top of the South Island (primarily Nelson and Tasman) in order to educate and foster understanding of our regional history and associated heritage
  • Promote public awareness of that history by organising monthly meetings, annual field trips to places of historical interest, and public heritage events
  • To undertake, encourage and support research into historical matters, including the publication of the outcome of such research
  • To be a strong advocate for the greater awareness and preservation of our local history and heritage

The society also organises the annual Jeff Newport Memorial Essay competition for senior secondary school students and the biennial James Jenkins Memorial Lecture, and contributes towards local projects of historical significance.

Our next meeting

Nelson Historical Society Draft Constitution

Changes to the Nelson Historical Society’s Constitution are required by the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. Your Committee has updated the Constitution based on the requirements of the Act. We are hoping that the draft Constitution will be adopted by members at the 2025 AGM in June.

Click here to review the draft.