Nelson Historical Society Events

Monthly Meetings and Speakers

The society hosts meetings, which are open to the public, every second Monday of the month from February to November.

Meetings feature a guest speaker who presents a local historical topic. Sometimes the format of the meeting may change to include a panel of speakers or open sessions in which members make short presentations of interest. A members only Christmas party is held in December at a venue of historical or heritage interest.

Our monthly meetings are held at: St Stephens, Tahunanui Drive, Nelson (opposite McDonalds). Doors open at 7pm and presentation begins at 7.30pm. Entry by way of a $2 donation.

A map of where our meetings take place is in the footer

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Nelson Historical Society Events

Other Events

Field Trips – Each year the society organises the annual Laurie Dale Memorial Field Trip. Social field trips and guided tours are also held periodically or in conjunction with specific events or dates.

For details of the next field trip, contact us at:

Heritage Events - From time to time the society researches and presents activities or events celebrating an aspect of regional history. This includes participation in the annual Nelson heritage festival, Tuku Whakatu.

James Jenkins Memorial Lecture - The society holds a biennial showcase lecture event. Open to the public, the lecture features a noted guest speaker and topics of not only local but sometimes also national interest.

The next James Jemkins Memorial Lecture will be held on 12 October 2023, 7.30pm

Guest Lecturers will be xxxxx
Topic: xx
Venue: Suter Art Gallery Theatre, Bridge Street, Nelson
Cost: $5 (Seating limited)
RSVP to:

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