Nelson Historical Society Journals
Nelson Historical Society Journal


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The 2024 Journal which includes articles on: A Glistening Web: The Art and Writing of Emily Cumming Harris, and Isel - the Church Years is available now for purchase.

$20 (+ postage if required). Special rate for members.

Contact the society at:

Also available at stockists throughout the Nelson region: Page and Blackmore Nelson, Nelson Provincial Museum, Nelson and Richmond Paper Plus.

Nelson Historical Society Journal Background

The Nelson Historical Society professionally produces an annual journal of original, researched local history articles on a wide range of topics related to people, places, businesses, industries, and events.

The first Journal of the Nelson Historical Society Incorporated was published in 1955. In 1981 the Marlborough Historical Society joined the enterprise and the title changed to Journal of the Nelson and Marlborough Historical Societies. Two volumes were published between 1981 and 1995. The Marlborough Historical Society withdrew in 1996 and the title became the Nelson Historical Society Journal.

The Journal has had five editors since 1955: James Paterson (1955-1965), Dr Cuthbert R. Barnicoat (1966-1977), Margaret Brown (1978-1985), Dawn Smith (1986 -2014) and Karen Stade (2015-2024).

Back issues of the journal have been digitised as part of a collaborative project between the Society and the Friends of Nelson Library, the Nelson branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Nelson Institute and Nelson Provincial Museum. Issues up to and including 2012 are available online at 

Some back and current issues of the Journal are available for sale through the society ā€“

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